SSL Options on OpenText CARS |
The SSL options configured by the installer are as follows:
Property | Default Value | Description |
bus.ldap.processor.ssl | True | This is used to connect OpenText CARS in secure mode. |
bus.ssl.keystore | <Process_Platform_install_dir>\certificates\keystore\keystore.jks | This refers to the location of the key store file. |
bus.ssl.keystorepassword | <base64 encoded password> | Password for the key store file specified for the property ssl key store. |
bus.ssl.truststore | <Process_Platform_install_dir>\certificates\truststore\truststore.jks | Specifies the location of the trust store file. |
bus.ssl.truststorepassword | <base64 <encoded password> | Password for the trust store file specified for the property ssl key store. |